A painter’s house

Lake Cernotses, Latvia


The project finds its inspiration in traditional Latvian houses. The gable roof is replaced by a one-sided roof, grass replaces the thatch and wood is widely used. But the design is resolutely contemporary and in perfect synergy with its time. And since contemporary is not the enemy of nature, the project integrates perfectly in its breathtaking surrounding landscape.

In response to the brief that has requested two residential units and a workshop for the painters, we have chosen to group it all in one compact volume that is twisted to provide outdoor privacy to each family.

 The service building is positionned in a way that it creates an “L” shape protecting the south oriented terrace from the cold winds.

The project is eco-friendly:

The continuous grass up to the roof offers a magnificent view over the lake to the inhabitants of the house and to their animal friends. It also retains heat in the winter, mitigates heat gain in the summer and provides essential cross-seasonal benefits when it comes to energy consumption.

The gap created on purpose between the main house and the service building shelters bats and birds. Sufficient power is provided by photovoltaïc panels placed on the roof in a very discreet way. The green house connecting the two units traps the south sun heat and radiates it saving heating energy on sunny days, and it is a perfectly suitable space for indoor permaculture.

A large tank under the pitched roof collects rain water that will be treated and available again for domestic use.


Status: Competition


Les terrasses de Kfertay